policies and procedures
The following policies, statements and agreements create the framework in which Georgian@ILAC operates. Policies set out expectations and guidelines for behaviour and action in specific areas. For additional information about any policy, or to request an accessible format of these policies documents please contact us at georgian@ilac.com.
Higher education and society both benefit when a college promotes and enforces standards of integrity that provide a foundation for a vibrant academic life, promotes progress in science and arts, and prepares students for responsible citizenship and professional conduct. The International Centre for Academic Integrity defines academic integrity as a commitment to the fundamental values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Georgian College endorses these values and is committed to translating them into action. Since they affect the credibility of academic work by students at the college and the credentials held by alumni of the college, breaches of ethics and integrity will not be tolerated.
In addition to the areas of academic misconduct outlined in this regulation, offences involving civil or criminal law involving academic work or materials are subject to penalties under this regulation. Students should also be aware that other types of misconduct may be dealt with under other procedures, such as the Student Code of Conduct procedure, the Information Technology Acceptable Use procedure, the Ontario Human Rights Code, or the Criminal Code of Canada.
8.1 Student academic responsibilities
Students are responsible for conducting themselves in a manner that brings credit to themselves and the college community, as outlined in the regulations that follow.
8.1.1 Attendance
Faculty determine the requirements for success in students’ courses. Students are responsible for attending classes (whether in person or virtually), not only for course content, but also for information related to the progress of the course. Individual programs and courses may have specific attendance requirements as outlined within the program and/or course outlines.
Tests, examinations, assignments, clinical and field placements must be written/submitted/attended on the date and time specified (Section 10: Tests and examinations). Requests for absence must be made prior to the test/examination/assignment/clinical/field placement date. Reasons for absence, if documented, allow faculty to make alternate arrangements for assignments and tests or allow consideration of an incomplete contract if necessary. (Section 4.3.4: Incomplete grade designation).
8.1.3 Student conduct
The learning environment and activities are determined by the faculty, and guided by mutual respect, common sense, propriety, courtesy, and etiquette. The faculty has the right to require any student to cease and desist in actions that are disruptive or that impede positive progress in the course. The faculty has the right to require anyone to leave the learning environment if positive progress is impeded by their actions or comments. Also, students are not permitted to transmit, distribute, or make materials available that are harassing or discriminatory. Illegal, abusive, obscene, threatening, intimidating, or demeaning transmissions to any individual or group are also prohibited. This includes but is not limited to the use of electronic mail systems and postings on electronic bulletin or message boards, Blackboard, and webpages. Further actions may be taken under law, or the college’s Student Code of Conduct or Human Rights Procedure.
8.1.4 Improper use of technology
The faculty may ban any device deemed to impede positive progress of the class or deemed to compromise the integrity of tests or examinations. For detailed information about use of Information Technology, refer to the Information Technology Acceptable Use procedure.
8.1.5 Acting with academic integrity
Students are expected to act with academic integrity throughout their studies at Georgian College, in alignment with the ICAI’s Fundamental Values (2014). This includes the obligation to acknowledge sources; to protect one’s work; to avoid suspicion, falsification and fabrication; and to tell the truth. Breeches of academic integrity constitute academic misconduct, outlined in Section 8.2: Academic misconduct below.
To support the education and awareness of academic integrity, all students are required to successfully pass Georgian’s Academic Integrity module in Blackboard with a grade of 80 per cent or greater, in their first semesters of study.
8.2 Academic misconduct
The following areas constitute the major types of academic misconduct and are subject to penalties. Please note that misconduct on one or any portion of a work constitutes misconduct; there is no partial responsibility. No fees are refunded to students who are suspended, dismissed, or removed from courses, for misconduct. Refer to the penalties chart in Section 8.3: Academic misconduct process below.
8.2.1 Cheating
Cheating is the use of inappropriate, prohibited, or unacknowledged materials, information aids, or misrepresentation in any academic work. The use of books, notes, online resources, electronic technology (including but not limited to calculators, cell phones, tablets, and voice and video recorders) and conversation with others is restricted or forbidden in many instances of academic work and would constitute cheating. Students may not request others (including commercial or free term-paper organizations) to conduct research or prepare any work for them.
8.2.2 Fabrication
Fabrication is the falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic work or program documentation.
Students must never falsify a record of any kind, nor permit another person to do so. Fabricating an academic record includes, but is not limited to clinical permits, criminal reference checks, co-op jobs, placements, employer or placement supervisor evaluation, or signatures.
False information may not be used in any academic work without the prior authorization of the faculty. It is considered misconduct, for instance, to analyze one sample in an experiment and invent data based on that single experiment for several more required analyses. The actual and original source of the information must be acknowledged in a citation (Section 8.2.3: Plagiarism).
8.2.3 Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the representation of another’s words or ideas as one’s own, in any academic work. Whenever students use words or ideas that are not their own when submitting scholarly work, they must cite their sources with an in-text citation, use quotation marks where appropriate, and include a list of references for the sources cited. Failure to do this constitutes plagiarism.
Students must not allow anyone access to the work they have prepared for evaluation, whether in a test, examination or assignment, etc. The student is the only one who should receive credit for what they know, unless prior agreement has been reached with the faculty that group work (and group credit) is allowed.
Self-plagiarism is the resubmission of previous work, or portions thereof without the permission of the current faculty. Students should be aware that plagiarism or self-plagiarism of any part of a work is an academic misconduct; there is no partial responsibility or penalty.
To avoid plagiarism/self-plagiarism, every source of information must be identified and properly documented according to an established writing convention determined by the faculty, for example; American Psychological Association (APA) style. Faculty have the right to request that students submit their work for electronic text matching.
8.2.4 Facilitating academic misconduct
Students should not put themselves in a position where they could be suspected of having made their work accessible to others, having copied another’s work, or having used unauthorized aids. They alone should receive credit for what they know, unless prior agreement has been reached with the faculty that group work (and group credit) is allowed. Even the appearance of dishonesty may undermine faculty confidence in students’ abilities.
Students who knowingly or negligently allow their work (including electronic files), portions of their work, or drafts of their work to be used by other students or who aid others in committing academic misconduct are violating academic integrity. This applies to students who hide, misrepresent, or falsify information related to an incident of academic misconduct. Such students are as responsible as a student who is involved in the incident directly, even though they may not themselves benefit from that act of misconduct and are therefore subject to the same penalties.
8.2.5 Impersonation
Impersonation is pretending to be another person for the purpose of deception. Students who knowingly have someone impersonate them, either in-person or electronically, for any academic work or activity are violating academic integrity. Both the impersonator and student impersonated are subject to the same penalties.
8.2.6 Denying access to information or material
It is a violation of academic integrity to deny others access to academic resources or to deliberately impede the progress of another student or scholar. This would include giving other students false or misleading information, making library or shared resource material unavailable to others by stealing, deliberately misplacing, defacing, or destroying any of these resources, including computer files that are not one’s own.
8.2.7 Copyright violation
Canada’s Copyright Act, states the legal and permissible use of copyrighted material. Georgian College has adopted the Association of Canadian Community Colleges Fair Dealing Policy that provides guidance in copying according to the Fair Dealing exception under the Copyright Act. Copying beyond these limits of the guidelines and the Copyright Act, is an academic misconduct for the individual who made the illegal copy. Students may also be subject to penalties under the Copyright Act.
8.3 Academic misconduct process
The following outlines the process for addressing cases of academic misconduct at Georgian College, as well as related penalties.
- If at any point in the process outlined below the situation is shown, to the faculty’s satisfaction, to be free of academic misconduct, no record is kept of the incident
- If at any point in the process a student decides to withdraw from the course connected to the academic misconduct the process continues unless otherwise advised the dean/associate dean or Office of the Registrar
- If at any point during the process outlined below, the student is unresponsive or unwilling to meet within the required timelines, the process proceeds, and the Academic misconduct form (AMF) is forwarded to the Office of the Registrar for processing. The student’s signature on the form is not required in order for a penalty to be applied or for a record to be created in Banner
- If an academic misconduct is identified for group work, the process proceeds individually for every member of the group. In cases where one or more members of the group (a subset of the group) are identified to be responsible for the misconduct, only the individual members of the group held responsible will receive a penalty
- The AMF remains part of the student’s official record in the Office of the Registrar, however no indication of academic misconduct is made on a students’ official transcript. Regulatory bodies, partnership institutions or employers may require details around academic misconducts such as number of instances and penalties received. As with other documents in the student’s file, access is restricted by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990 (Section 7: Academic and related records)
- From the time the misconduct is found to the time it is recorded on the student record, the process should take no longer than 15 working days to be finalized
- The student is expected to continue their semester while the process is taking place unless otherwise advised by a dean/associate dean, registrar/associate registrar in writing
- Academic misconduct may also be identified by other employees such as co-op consultants, testing services staff, or any other department at the college who is involved in determining grades for academic work
- If requested by the student, the student success advisor can prompt reflection and support the student to build their self-navigation and self-advocacy skills as it relates to the academic misconduct process. It is not the role of the student success advisor to negotiate on behalf of the student
- Academic misconduct may be appealed following the process outlined in Section 8.3: Academic misconduct process of the academic regulations.
Step | Process | Owner | Resource |
1 | Suspect academic misconduct | Faculty | Exam, test, assignment, etc. |
2 | Inform and consult with the program coordinator | Faculty | phone/email |
3 | The date and time of the meeting with the student must be determined within five working days of first identifying suspected misconduct. After five days the misconduct process continues | Faculty | Banner, timetable/outlook calendar |
4 | Contact the Office of the Registrar via RORecords@georgiancollege.ca to determine any previous misconducts | Faculty | Phone/email/or Banner |
5 | Complete the Academic Misconduct form (AMF) | Faculty | AMF |
6 | Conduct student meeting. If third offence, provide warning to student that a fourth offence will result in an automatic dismissal from the college for up to five years. | Faculty | AMF and supporting evidence |
7 | Within 24 hours of the meeting, student reviews the AMF and either a) acknowledges the offence, accepts the penalty and signs. The form is then sent to the dean/associate dean for final signature and forwarded to the Office of the Registrar or b) does not. If the student does not wish to meet/sign the form or fails to provide the required documentation, the process continues | Student | AMF |
8 | Send AMF and any supporting evidence to the dean/associate dean within two days of meeting with the student | Faculty | |
9 | Review AMF and supporting evidence and discuss with faculty. If a meeting with the student is required, (as determined by the Dean/Associate Dean) the date and time of meeting must be determined within three working days of receiving the AMF from the faculty | Dean/associate dean | AMF/phone/email |
10 | Finalize/sign the AMF and email the form to the student with copy to the Office of the Registrar, the student success advisor, and the faculty. In this same message, advise student of the academic appeal process as per section 10.2.1. If the academic misconduct is appealed the Academic Appeal form (AAF) must be completed and submitted by the student to the Office of the Registrar | Dean/associate dean | AMF |
11 | Update student information in Banner | Office of the Registrar | Banner |
12 | Implement any record changes needed as a result of the outcome | Faculty/Office of the Registrar | Blackboard, Banner |
Penalties for Academic Misconduct
The below guidelines are used to assist in penalty assignment, with the understanding that circumstances can occur which may warrant a penalty that differs from the guidelines. Any one or more of the penalties listed below can be applied on the first, second and third offence. The penalty imposed is recommended by the faculty in accordance with the severity of the offence and the number of past misconducts found. Final decisions with regards to the penalty that is applied will be determined by the dean/associate dean. All fourth offences will result in automatic dismissal from the program and college for up to five years. Students may not return to the same program.
Offence | Penalty |
First | – Verbal warning – Complete or repeat online Academic Integrity module in Blackboard – Assigned training or advising/academic support – Re-submit work involved – Mark of “0” in work involved |
Second | – Mark of “0” in the course – Immediate suspension from the college for the current term – Immediate suspension from the college for the current term, plus one subsequent term – Immediate dismissal from the program and suspension from the college for one year (12 months) |
Third | – Mark of “0” in the course – Immediate dismissal from the program and suspension from the college for one year (12 months) – Immediate dismissal from the program and the college for three years |
Fourth | – Automatic dismissal from the program and college for a period ranging from current term, plus one subsequent term, up to five years as determined by the dean/associate dean |
1) Who is bound: The Institution has adopted this Anti-Bullying, Anti-Harassment, and Anti-Discrimination Policy to ensure ethical and respectful employment practices and treatment for all students of the Institution, as well as employees.
2) Objective: The objective of this policy is to create a climate of understanding and mutual respect where each person feels a part of the Institution’s community.
3) Zero tolerance: The Institution will have a zero-tolerance policy for harassment or bullying. The Institution will not tolerate, ignore, or condone any form of discrimination or harassment and is committed to always promoting appropriate standards of conduct.
4) May result in dismissal/expulsion: All employees in the Institution’s family are responsible for respecting the dignity and rights of their co-workers and the students whom they educate. Students in turn are responsible for respecting the dignity and rights of their fellow students. Bullying and harassment are serious forms of employee and student misconduct which may result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge of an employee, and which may result in suspension or dismissal/expulsion of a student or a denial of admission to any prospective student.
5) Harassment-free workplace: The Institution will take all reasonable steps available to ensure a harassment-free environment, including barring the harasser from its facilities, where appropriate, or discontinuing business with harassers, as the case may be.
1) Online bullying, harassment, and social media: Harassment and bullying will not be tolerated on or off campus to the extent that such conduct compromises a respectful and harassment-free environment at the Institution. For example, online (social media, e-mail, or otherwise) harassment or bullying by a student or Employee in our Institutional family will not be tolerated – and will be treated as if it occurred on campus.
2) Enumerated grounds: Without limitation, the following prohibited grounds of discrimination and any combination of these grounds will specifically not be tolerated, apart and aside from any harassment or bullying issue:
- a) Race;
b) Citizenship;
c) Sexual Orientation;
d) Ancestry;
e) Creed;
f) Age;
g) Place of Origin;
h) Sex (including pregnancy);
i) Marital Status;
j) Colour;
k) Gender;
l) Family Status;
m) Ethnic Origin;
n) Disability.
3) Right to contract equally: Every person having legal capacity has a right to contract on equal terms without discrimination based on those items enumerated in paragraph 2 above.
4) Equal treatment in employment: Every person has a right to equal treatment with respect to employment without discrimination or harassment based on those items enumerated in paragraph 2 above.
5) “Bullying” standards may be adopted which go beyond any legislation that is in place or which has been introduced as draft legislation, to determine whether instances of “bullying” (which may fall short of or be different from “harassment”) have occurred.
6) Obligation to Report: Staff and students must report any alleged form of discrimination, harassment, or bullying to an Instructor, Program Director, Student Services staff or Student Services Manager.
7) Discrimination: Discrimination, as used in this Policy, is any practice or behaviour, whether intentional or not, which has a negative impact on an individual or group because of personal characteristics or circumstances unrelated to the person’s abilities or the employment or service issue in question (e.g., disability, sex, race, sexual orientation). Discrimination may arise because of direct differential treatment, or it may result from the unequal effect of treating individuals and groups in the same way. Either way, if the effect of the behaviour on the individual is to withhold or limit full, equal, and meaningful access to goods, services, facilities, employment, housing accommodation or contracts available to other members of society, it is discrimination.
8) Duty to accommodate: This refers to the legal obligation of an organization to take steps to eliminate disadvantage caused by systemic, attitudinal, or physical barriers that unfairly exclude individuals or groups protected under the applicable Human Rights legislation and any regulations thereto. It also includes an obligation to meet the special needs of individuals and groups protected by any such regulation and legislation unless meeting such needs would create undue hardship.
9) Definitions:
- a) “Bullying”: means the severe or repeated use by one or more pupils of a written, verbal, electronic or other form of expression, a physical act or gesture or any combination of them if it is directed at another person if it has the effect of or is reasonably intended to have the effect of:
- i) causing physical or emotional harm to another person or damage to another person’s property.
- ii) placing another person in reasonable fear of harm to himself or herself or damage to his or her property.
iii) creating a hostile environment at the Institution for another person.
- iv) infringing on the legal rights of another person at the Institution; or
- v) materially and substantially disrupting the education process or the orderly operation of the Institution (“intimidation”).
- b) “Employee”: For the purpose of this policy, the term employee includes full- time, part-time, temporary, probationary, and casual employees, co-op students, volunteers, job applicants, staff, contractors, and consultants working for the Institution.
- c) “Student”: means current or prospective student, and alumni of Georgian at ILAC.
- d) “Equal Treatment”: Equal treatment is treatment that brings about an equality of results and that may, in some instances, require different treatment. For example, to give all employees equal treatment in entering a building, it may be necessary to provide a ramp or an elevator for an employee who requires the use of a wheelchair; and
- e) “Harassment”: Means improper comment or conduct based on one or more of the prohibited grounds listed in applicable Human Rights legislation and regulations thereto, that a person knows or ought to know would be unwelcome, offensive, embarrassing, or hurtful.
10) Discipline: The Institution will investigate all allegations of harassment promptly, in accordance with the law, and free from reprisal.
11) Where to report: See the Student Services Manager immediately if there are any questions or concerns about this policy
Statement of commitment Georgian at ILAC Toronto is committed to providing customer service and to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities. We believe in integration, and we are committed to treating people with disabilities in a way that respects their dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity. We will meet the needs of people with disabilities by removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and by meeting our accessibility requirements under Ontario’s accessibility laws, including Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and Integrated Accessibility Standards (O. Reg. 191/11). Definitions Disability means: (a) any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical co-ordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or on a wheelchair or other remedial appliance or device, (b) a condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability; (c) a learning disability, or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language; (d) a mental disorder; or (e) an injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the insurance plan established under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 (“handicap”). Barrier means anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in all aspects of society because of his or her disability, including a physical barrier, an architectural barrier, an information or communications barrier, an attitudinal barrier, a technological barrier, a policy, or a practice. Personal Assistive Devices is a piece of equipment a person with a disability uses to help them with daily living (e.g., a wheelchair, screen reader, hearing aid, cane or walker, an oxygen tank). Personal Supports is used by persons with disabilities that enable them to carry out the activities of daily living and allow access to care and services. For example, walkers, personal oxygen tank, power-mobility devices such as power wheelchairs or scooters. Service Animals are animals used by people with many different kinds of disabilities, such as vision loss, epilepsy, autism, and anxiety disorder. Examples of service animals include dogs used by people who are blind, hearing alert animals for people who are deaf, deafened, or hard of hearing, and animals trained to alert an individual to an oncoming seizure and lead them to safety. An animal is considered a service animal if it wears a harness, vest or other visual indicator or the person with a disability provides documentation from a regulated health professional. Support Person is someone who accompanies a person with a disability to help with communication, mobility, personal care, or medical needs or with access to goods or services. A support person may be a paid professional, a volunteer, a family member, or friend. Training In accordance with the Accessibility Standards Regulation, Georgian at ILAC Toronto undertakes to train all members of its organization in these requirements and will ensure that all employees, volunteers, directors, board members and owners and anyone who provides goods, services, or facilities to Georgian at ILAC Toronto’s customers have received training in these procedures as it relates to their specific roles. The training will be offered within the probation period after the effective hiring, or whenever there is a need. Georgian at ILAC Toronto will provide written notice to each member on an ongoing basis when changes to the policies, practices and procedures governing the provision of accessibility standards. Revised training will be provided in the event of changes to legislation, procedures and/or practices. Procedures and Commitment Georgian at ILAC Toronto has outlined its procedures and commitment as below: 1. Georgian at ILAC Toronto will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability. 2. When asked, Georgian at ILAC Toronto will provide information about the organization and its services, including public safety information, in accessible formats or with communication supports. 3. Where a customer or guest has specific requirements for alternate means communication and requests that alternate forms of communication be used, Georgian at ILAC Toronto will accommodate the person with disability with whatever means necessary to allow proper and courteous communication. This may include but is not limited to communication in writing by email, communication by telephone, reading information to the person or providing large font written communications. 4. Where Georgian at ILAC Toronto is unable to supply the communication in a format that meets the person’s needs, an explanation will be provided to the person with disability giving the reasons why the person’s communication needs cannot be accommodated. 5. Wherever possible, Georgian at ILAC Toronto’s internet Website and its content will be created in a way that considers how assistive devices, such as screen readers, speech and input systems and other devices, operate and how people with disabilities use them to allow the site to be accessible to people with disabilities. 6. We will notify employees, potential hires, volunteers, and the public that accommodations can be made during recruitment and hiring. 7. We will notify staff that supports are available for those with disabilities. We will put in place a process to develop individual accommodation plans for employees and students. Where needed, we will also provide customized emergency information to help an employee and students with a disability during an emergency. 8. We will modify or remove an existing policy that does not respect and promote the dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity of people with disabilities. 9. Where a person with a disability is accompanied by a Service Animal, the Service Animal will be permitted in all areas of the premises, except where excluded by law. Such laws could include the Food Safety and Quality or the Health Protection and Promotion Act. 10. Where the Service Animal is a breed that is restricted by the province or municipality, the provisions of the Provincial or municipal law will prevail. 11. The Service Animal of a person with a disability must be registered with Georgian at ILAC Toronto at Front Desk. 12. The employee, volunteer, customer, or student that is accompanied by a Service Animal is responsible for maintaining care and control of Service Animal at all times while on Georgian at ILAC Toronto premises. 13. If a health and safety concern presents itself, for example in the form of a severe allergy to the animal, Georgian at ILAC Toronto will make all reasonable efforts to meet the needs of all individuals. 14. If Georgian at ILAC Toronto staff or volunteer is not able to easily identify that the animal is a service animal, he/she can kindly ask the person to provide documentation (e.g., template, letter, form) from a regulated health professional that confirms that the person needs the service animal for reasons relating to their disability. 15. Assistive devices such as a cane, a walker, a personal oxygen tank, a wheelchair or mobility scooter are permitted to be used in all common areas of the property. Georgian at ILAC Toronto requests that all compressed gas or oxygen be registered with the Front desk to properly advise the Fire Department in the event of a fire emergency. 16. Where elevators are not present and where an individual requires assistive device for the purpose of mobility, service will be provided in a location that meets the needs of the customer. 17. In the event of planned or unexpected disruption of regular service for customers, Georgian at ILAC Toronto will communicate this information to each person with a disability by such means as is appropriate for each individual. 18. When a notification needs to be posted, it will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated length of time, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available. 19. If a customer with a disability is accompanied by a Support Person, Georgian at ILAC Toronto will ensure that both persons are allowed to enter the premises together and that the customer is not prevented from having access to the Support Person. 20. A Support Person is subject to the same By-Laws and Rules of Georgian at ILAC Toronto as a customer or guest. 21. Where a person utilizes a Support Person and confidential information must be discussed, the person with the disability will be asked to consent to the presence of the Support Person during the discussion. 22. The support person who accompanies the person with a disability due to health or safety reasons may be subjected to an admission and/or tuition fee. 23. A Support Person may be requested by Georgian at ILAC Toronto to protect the health and safety of the person with the disability or the health and safety of others on the premises. 24. In case Georgian at ILAC Toronto understands that a person with disability needs a support person to accompany he/she in its premises, before making a decision, Georgian at ILAC Toronto will consult with the person with a disability to understand their needs, consider health or safety reasons based on available evidence and determine if there is no other reasonable way to protect the health or safety of the person or others on the premises. 25. In such a situation, Georgian at ILAC Toronto will waive the admission fee for the support person, if applicable. Emergency Communications Where a person’s disability might affect their ability to hear the fire alarm or voice communication system, or where the person with a disability may have difficulty in evacuating their suite in an emergency situation, Georgian at ILAC Toronto will discuss the needs of each person with a disability with them individually to put into place an individual plan to handle the emergency situation. Once the individual emergency plan for each person with a disability has been established, Georgian at ILAC Toronto and the person with a disability will adhere to that plan in an emergency situation. Feedback Georgian at ILAC Toronto is committed to equal access and participation for people with disabilities who are working, learning, or visiting at the school. We welcome your comments and feedback on any accessibility relating to the school. You can submit your comments and feedback by e-mailing info@ilac.com with the subject Accessibility Feedback will respond to your feedback within 5 (five) business days.
I. Statement of Commitment The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) was established in 2005. The goal of the act is to make workplaces and communities more accessible for people with a wide range of disabilities. This accessibility plan presents Georgian at ILAC Toronto’s commitment to meeting its obligations under the AODA. Inherent in this commitment is the understanding that improving access to learning and employment spaces to students, employees, and members of our community involves institution-wide awareness and participation, including the participation of persons with disabilities in the ongoing accessibility planning and review process. Through this collaborative approach, the institution can achieve and sustain a reasonable standard of service to all members of the school community who have disabilities. II. Establishment of Accessibility Policies and Plans Since 2014, Georgian at ILAC Toronto has:
A. On-Campus Accessibility Georgian at ILAC Toronto facilitates equal access for eligible students, employees, and members of our community by coordinating reasonable accommodations and support services. Accommodation plans and services are determined based on documentation provided and specific program or employment requirements. Emphasis is placed on all members of the school community having ability and independence to realize their academic and professional potential and personal success. For more information on accessibility and accommodation, please contact Itai Shenker, VP of Operations itai@ilac.com. B. Digital Accessibility Georgian at ILAC Toronto is committed to making its websites accessible in order to enhance usability for everyone and improve the user experience for people with disabilities. Upon request, Georgian at ILAC Toronto will create digital content in an accessible format and provide additional support in person, over the phone or via Zoom. For questions and feedback about the accessibility of content on the website, including alternate-format requests, please contact Isabella Vivares, Head of Marketing and Design Isabella.V@ilac.com. III. Training Georgian at ILAC Toronto is committed to providing training in the requirements of Ontario’s accessibility laws and the Ontario Human Rights Code as it applies to people with disabilities. IV. Employment Standards Georgian at ILAC Toronto is committed to fair and accessible employment practices. Georgian at ILAC Toronto is an equal opportunity employer, and this is reflected in the policies and procedures for hiring faculty and administrative and support staff.
1) All students are expected to conduct themselves in a dignified and professional manner.
2) Students may be suspended or dismissed/expelled, depending on the severity and/or degree of their “Misconduct”: Misconduct is defined as, and without limitation:
- a) conduct which disrupts or in any material respect compromises the Institute or any of its students, including the administration of the program (including but without limitation any act or threatened act of violence, failure to cooperate with an inclusion or accommodation policy of the Institution).
- b) student performance bringing discredit on the professional, academic, or ethical standards of the institution.
- c) academic failure.
- d) poor attendance i.e., attendance which falls below any program approval requirements, or poor participation (without medical excuse that gives rise to the legal need for accessibility, accommodation, or special consideration).
- e) conduct which interferes with the legal rights of other students and/or the Institution, its staff, agents, or employees
- f) repeated contravention of the Institute’s policies as set out in this Student Enrolment Contract and amended from time to time as the Institution deems necessary, or pursuant to applicable laws and/or regulations.
- g) failure to pay required fees as set out in the student’s signed contract.
- h) contravention of the performance requirements or other rules and/or guidelines as they may apply to the student; and
- i) distribution of materials within the campus and to the Institute’s students that have not been approved by the Institute (such as brochures, 3rd party advertisements, promotional materials, political or religious materials, etc.)
3) Repeated failure to abide by Institute’s policies, which may be amended from time to time as the Institution deems necessary or pursuant to applicable laws and/or regulations, is grounds for dismissal/withdrawal. Note that contravention of some colleges’ policies may lead to immediate dismissal/expulsion from the program depending on the severity of the contravention (see paragraph 5 below).
4) The Institute may, at its sole discretion and consistent with applicable laws and/or regulations, consider a Suspension prior to the possible dismissal/expulsion of the student.
5) Certain types of serious misconduct will lead to the immediate dismissal/expulsion of the student on a “zero tolerance” basis. Such conduct includes, but without limitation,
- a) the use of alcohol or drugs.
- b) violent and/or threatening behavior toward another student, employee, faculty member, or visitor on or off campus.
- c) dishonesty by the student relating to academic testing or credentials, or any dishonesty going to the academic integrity of the Institution.
6) Harassment or Discrimination – Georgian at ILAC College does not condone harassment or discrimination of any student, staff, employees, or agents. Students who engage in harassing or discrimination are subject to immediate suspension pending investigation. Any student deemed by Georgian at ILAC’s investigators as having engaged in harassing or discriminatory activities contrary to any applicable laws and regulations may be subjected to immediate dismissal/expulsion.
7) Students who damage, steal and misuse property may be expelled and will be required to make restitution to replace or fully repair the property.
8) Fee refunds will be governed by the provisions of this policy and applicable laws and/or regulations as prescribed. However, where Georgian at ILAC College has no legal requirement/obligation to refund tuition or any portion of a student’s tuition to any student who has been expelled (or suspended, where the suspension is long enough such that the student has lost a significant amount of time or opportunity that would otherwise have been spent in course study), Georgian at ILAC College will have no obligation to refund tuition or any part of that student’s tuition.
9) A sanction of suspension or dismissal/expulsion may be recorded on a student’s academic record and transcript.
10) Notification: Students who are expelled for any reason will be notified in writing. The notification will describe the basis for dismissal/expulsion and the effective date.
11) Appeal procedure: Expelled students who dispute the facts of the dismissal/expulsion must file their appeal with the Institution within 5 days of the notification having been received by the student
12) Georgian at ILAC may, at its sole discretion, determine that a restorative process is warranted in lieu of or in tandem with any of the above forms of discipline that it seeks to impose. A restorative process is one which emphasizes repairing the harm caused or revealed by unjust behavior through an inclusive or cooperative process.
1) Consideration: In consideration for delivery of the programs and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by all current Students; 2) “Disparagement” for the purposes of this contract, shall generally refer to negative remarks about the Institution which are made maliciously or recklessly (including all of those persons covered under this policy) or without taking reasonable steps to verify the truth of such remarks prior to having made them. 3) Who is bound: Subject only to Canadian law held to be applicable in any province (including but without limitation the enabling legislation governing private career schools or institutions and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms if/where held to applicable), all students shall be bound by this non-disparagement policy. Adhering to the policy is a condition of enrolment. 4) Purpose of policy: The Institution has a reputation for excellence. The Institution is a private institution operating multiple locations in various provinces across Canada and is committed to maintaining high standards in teaching and in ensuring that the value of Georgian at ILAC Toronto’s credential remains strong. 5) Social media: With the popularity of social media (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.) students, and alumni of the Institution and all its affiliates, can communicate in a way that they have never done so before. The Institution applauds the fact that students and alumni have new opportunities to network for employment in their chosen vocation and can communicate with each other socially. The Institution is confident that this will contribute to the Institution’s long-standing reputation in the marketplace. 6) Reputation is a two-way street: Students derive significant benefit from being an alumnus of Georgian at ILAC Toronto. At the same time, the Institution is ultimately “defined” by the “quality” of its graduates i.e., where they end up working, how they are putting their skills to the test in the workforce, and whether they are happy with their chosen vocation. The Institution and its students have a common interest in preserving and protecting the integrity and image of the Institution and all its affiliates. 7) Specific undertakings of student: With the above in mind, students shall undertake to do the following: a) Refrain from making any public statement or statements, through social media or otherwise, about the Institution or any of its affiliates, which would be considered inaccurate, unduly critical, or derogatory, or libellous, or which may tend to unfairly injure the reputation of the Institution or any of its affiliates; b) Refrain from making any public statement or statements, through social media or otherwise, that would be considered inaccurate, unduly critical, or derogatory, or libellous, or which may tend to unfairly injure the reputation of another (and without limitation) existing or former student, alumni, instructor, or staff member of the Institution; c) Report to the Institution immediately, the publication of any unduly critical, derogatory, or libellous statement or statements, or statement/s which may tend to unfairly injure the reputation of the Institution or any of its affiliates, through social media or otherwise. Such reporting shall include the author or authors of such publication, and all other specifics known to the reporting student; d) Report to the Institution immediately, the publication of any inaccurate, unduly critical, or derogatory, or libellous statement or statements tending to unfairly injure the reputation of another (and without limitation) existing or former student, alumni, instructor, or staff member of the Institution or any of its affiliates. Such reporting shall include the author or authors of such publication, and all other specifics known to the reporting student; e) Refrain from disparagement of the Institution or any of its affiliates in any other form that would reasonably be considered to bring the Institution or any of its affiliates, and without limitation, its faculty, staff, students, or alumni, into disrepute; f) Familiarize themselves with any other policies which bind them while students, including but without limitation, the Anti-Bullying / Anti-Harassment / Anti-Discrimination Policy. 8) Discipline for non-compliance: Discipline, including expulsion or other sanctions as appropriate, may result from non-compliance with this Policy.
1) The institution (also referred to as “us”, or “we” under this Policy) has created this policy in order to demonstrate our commitment to privacy and the protection of your personal information, information pursuant to current privacy legislation. Please read this policy to understand how your personal information will be treated. 2) The institution collects information in several ways. Some personal information is gathered if you register with us. During registration, the institution may ask for personal information such as your name, email address, gender, zip/postal code, occupation, industry, and personal interests. 3) We may ask you for personal information outside of the context of registration, including (but not limited to) when you download a file (such as a .PDF file) from the institution; when you ask us to contact you; when you join our mailing list; and when you report a problem relating to the services we provided, or the courses offered. If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence. 4) When prospective students, i.e., candidates provide us with information such as their name, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address, we use this contact information to send these candidates additional information about the institution and Georgian at ILAC Toronto. A candidate’s contact information may also be used by us to contact him or her directly. Candidates may choose not to receive future mailings or other communications from the institution at any time by notifying the Program Director. 5) We will not retain or withhold an international Student’s passport, Study Permit, or similar document under any circumstances. 6) We will not sell or rent your personal information to third parties without obtaining your written informed consent. Generally, the institution does not sell or rent personal information in any event. 7) The institution’s website provides much information spanning many topics. While the institution attempts to provide accurate information to its site users, it provides no guarantees regarding the accuracy or reliability of this content. The institution’s website and/or any content on the internet relating to the institution, does not constitute a contract or promise from the institution to its site users, be they prospective students, students, or otherwise. 8) The institution website has security measures and safeguards in place to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information that is under our control at any given time. However, since no data transmission over the Internet is completely secure, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us or in relation to our online products or services, and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we make every attempt to ensure that it is kept secure with us. You must still be solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your passwords and/or any account information. 9) We may store and sometimes track information about you. We may do this in order to further automate our website or online forms, or to help us understand who may be interested in our programs. 10) Subject to any legislated exemptions which would permit us to disclose your personal information as is necessary, we will not disclose any of your personal information except when we have your informed consent. “Personal Information” is defined broadly by governing legislation as any information about an identifiable individual except the name, title, and business address or office telephone number of an employee of an organization. 11) Pursuant to allowable exemptions under current legislation, we may disclose personal information when we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may be violating the institution’s policy, violating any law of the province of Ontario/British Columbia, or Canada, or may be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) the institution’s rights or property, other students or faculty members, or anyone else who could be harmed by such activities. We may also disclose your personal information to a collection agency for the purposes of the lawful collection of a debt owed to us by you. 12) Our policy with respect to the use, collection, retention, and disclosure of all student records is governed by applicable privacy legislation as well as the relevant provisions of other applicable Acts and Regulations. 13) We make every attempt to periodically update our Privacy Policy such that it is in compliance with governing privacy legislation, and any regulations applicable thereto. 14) The institution also abides by any laws regarding Video Surveillance Policy. To summarize, to the extent that it uses or will seek to use video surveillance, the institution will (a) ensure there is a justifiable business purpose for the surveillance; (b) seek to avoid capturing the images of people not being targeted for some specific, legitimate purpose; (c) to the extent possible, seek to not use cameras in areas where people have a heightened privacy expectation; (d) to the extent possible, seek to notify students and other individuals about the use of cameras before those individuals enter the premises; (e) subject to some legal justification to withhold and unless the data is destroyed, provide access to Individuals whose images are captured on videotape; (f) data is destroyed within 14 days from the day of capture; (g) ensure that video surveillance equipment and videotapes are secured and used for authorized purposes only; (h) ensure that to the extent that recorded images are stored, that they are stored in a secure location with limited access; (i) recorded images are managed by the IT Department.
15) The student releases the Institute and assigns permission to license and use all images and sound recordings in any media and for any purpose. The student agrees that the Institute has all rights to images and sound recordings for perpetuity. This agreement is irrevocable, worldwide and perpetual. 16) Should you have a question or concern about our Privacy and Video Surveillance Policy or our practices in this regard, please contact a Student Services Representative.
1) The Health and Safety Committee Chairperson ensures that adequate fire suppression equipment is available as needed throughout the campuses and that a qualified inspector inspects all fire suppression equipment annually. 2) The Health and Safety Committee Chairperson ensures that all Health and Safety Committee members know where the fire suppression equipment locations are at each campus and they know how to operate the fire suppression equipment for school fire evacuation procedures, and that all buildings are staffed by at least one Health and Safety Committee member. Health and Safety Committee Chairperson is responsible for preparing and posting emergency exit instructions and route maps in each classroom at the campus, with the exit from that room specifically noted in a colored highlight. 3) In the event of a fire emergency on Georgian at ILAC Toronto premises, the respective Health and Safety Committee member will dial 911 and advise the fire department of the location of the school. They will provide details of the type of fire (if known) and the location of the fire within the campus. 4) The Health and Safety Committee member will advise all occupants to evacuate the campus. Teachers, staff, and students proceed to the identified Assembly Point. The Fire Warden will conduct a building sweep to ensure that no one remains in the building. 5) The Health and Safety Committee member will act as a liaison between building management/security/fire officials and students/employees during the emergency. If necessary, the Health and Safety Committee Chairperson will authorize school closure. 6) No student or employee will re-enter the building until the fire officials have authorized re-entry.
1) The Health and Safety Committee Chairperson ensures that adequate precautions are taken throughout each campus to ensure that injury due to falling or unstable items during an earthquake is limited. 2) The Health and Safety Committee Chairperson ensures that all Health and Safety Committee members receive training in the school earthquake evacuation procedures. 3) The Health and Safety Committee Chairperson is responsible for preparing and posting emergency instructions and exit route maps in each classroom at the campus, with the exit from that room specifically noted in a colored highlight. 4) In the event of an earthquake, all staff and students will take cover and remain under cover until the shaking stops. 5) If it is unsafe to remain in the building, the Health and Safety Committee member will advise all occupants to evacuate the building 6) The Health and Safety Committee member will act as a liaison between building management/security/rescue officials and students/employees during the emergency. If necessary, the Health and Safety Committee Chairperson will authorize school closure. 7) No student or employee will re-enter the campus unless the rescue officials have authorized re-entry.
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Georgian at ILAC Toronto has created this Privacy Policy to put into practice our commitment to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. This policy is based on the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and explains the types of personal information we collect, how it is used, and the steps we take to ensure your personal information is handled appropriately. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this website: www.georgianatilac.com Definitions: Personal Information – means information about an identifiable individual, such as information relating to the race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, marital status, education, address, and the name of the individual. Collecting Personal Information: Georgian at ILAC Toronto may ask you for your full name, date of birth, gender, nationality, mother tongue, ID, or Passport number, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, email address, medical history, legal guardian, and education history. Credit Card information is collected by our payment partners Flywire, Moneris and PaytoStudy for use in payment approval and processing. Your credit card information is not retained in any database by Georgian at ILAC Toronto. Georgian at ILAC Toronto does not store or record the Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses of visitors to the website for marketing purposes, although we may store IP addresses in server logs for system maintenance and to create statistical reports. An Internet Protocol (“IP”) address is a number assigned to your computer whenever you access the Internet. Cookies may be used by Georgian at ILAC Toronto website to maintain the security of your account when you register online. These cookies do not collect personally identifiable information and we do not combine information collected through these cookies with other personally identifiable information. You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Your web browser software includes a feature called “cookies” which stores small amounts of data on your computer about your visits to websites. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. Georgian at ILAC Toronto collects Personal Information through the online registration form, contact us form, student survey form, e-newsletter subscription form, online academy registration form, online English test registration form. Georgian at ILAC Toronto collects Personal Information for the purposes of verifying the identity of students and representatives, as well as communicating and providing information about programs and courses including on-going activities, promotions, and other information Links to Third Parties: This website contains links to third party websites. Georgian at ILAC Toronto is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. We would encourage you to review their Privacy Policies. Privacy Policy Updates: We regularly review our privacy practices and update our policy. Please check this web site on an ongoing basis for information on our most up-to-date practices. Google Analytics: This website uses Google Analytics to collect some information about its visitors. For more information visit: www.google.com/analytics/ Google Remarketing: This website makes use of Google Analytics Display Advertising (Google Remarketing). You can control the Google Ads that are delivered to you by modifying your Google Ads Preferences. Questions and Comments: If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, you can send us a message at: info@ilac.com
1. Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Georgian at ILAC Toronto is committed to providing its students with an environment free from sexual violence and treating anyone who reports incidents of sexual violence or misconduct with dignity and respect. This Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy defines sexual violence and misconduct, and outlines Georgian at ILAC Toronto’s policies and procedures for training staff and students, as well as reporting and responding to complaints of sexual violence made by or involving its students. Any person(s) accused of engaging in sexual violence or misconduct will be referred to as the “Respondent(s)” and the person(s) making the allegation as the “Complainant(s)”. If this policy conflicts with the any other Georgian at ILAC Toronto Policy, the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy prevails. 2. Definition of Sexual Violence and Misconduct Sexual violence and misconduct means any sexual act or act targeting a person’s sexuality, gender identity or gender expression, whether the act is physical or psychological in nature, that is committed, threatened or attempted against a person without the person’s consent, and includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism, sexual exploitation and the distribution of a sexually explicit photograph or video of a person to one or more persons other than the person in the photograph or video without the consent of the person in the photograph or video and with the intent to distress the person in the photograph and video. 3. Training, Reporting and Responding to Sexual Violence and Misconduct A copy of the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy is included in every contract made between Georgian at ILAC Toronto and its students. Furthermore, a copy of the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy is given to all Georgian at ILAC Toronto teachers, staff, other employees as well as Georgian at ILAC Toronto contractors, and training is provided regarding the policy and the processes of reporting, investigating, and responding to complaints of sexual violence. The Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy is available on the Georgian at ILAC Toronto website and available to students, teachers, and staff at any time. Georgian at ILAC Toronto teachers, staff, and any other employees and contractors of Georgian at ILAC Toronto will report incidents of or complaints of sexual violence or misconduct to their Campus Manager, or the Director of Studies upon becoming aware of them. Students who have been affected by sexual violence or misconduct who need information about support services should contact a student services representative, or the Director of Studies directly. Subject to Section 4 below, to the extent it is possible, Georgian at ILAC Toronto will attempt to keep all personal information of persons involved in the investigation confidential, except in those circumstances where it believes an individual is at imminent risk of self-harm, or of harming another, or there are reasonable grounds to believe that others on its campus or the broader community are at risk. This will be done by: a) ensuring that all complaints/reports and information gathered as a result of the complaint/reports will be only available to those who need to know for purposes of investigation, implementing safety or other measures that may be required; and b) ensuring that the documentation is kept in a separate file from that of the Complainant/student or the Respondent. Georgian at ILAC Toronto recognizes the right of the Complainant not to report an incident of or make a complaint about sexual violence/misconduct or not request an investigation, and not to participate in any investigation that may occur. Notwithstanding, in certain circumstances, Georgian at ILAC Toronto may be required by law or its internal policies to initiate an internal investigation and/or inform police without the complainant’s consent if it believes the safety of members of its campus or the broader community is at risk. In all cases, including the above, Georgian at ILAC Toronto will appropriately accommodate the needs of any student affected by sexual violence or misconduct. In this regard, Georgian at ILAC Toronto will assist students who have experienced sexual violence to obtain counselling and medical care and provide them with information about sexual violence support services available in the community. Students are not required to file a formal complaint in order to access support services. 4. Investigating Reports of Sexual Violence and Misconduct
Under this Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy, any student of Georgian at ILAC Toronto may file a report of an incident or a complaint to a Student Services representative, or Director of Studies in writing. Other officials, offices or departments may be involved in any investigation including the Human Resource Department. Upon receipt of a report of an incident or a complaint of alleged sexual violence being made, the Student Services representative, or Director of Studies will respond promptly and: a) determine whether an investigation should take place and if the Complainant wishes to participate in the investigation; b) determine who should conduct the investigation with regard to the seriousness of the allegation and the parties involved; c) determine whether the incident should be referred immediately to the police; In such cases or where civil proceedings are commenced with respect to allegations of sexual violence or misconduct, Georgian at ILAC Toronto may conduct its own independent investigation and make its own determination in accordance with its policies and procedures; and determine what interim measures ought to be put in place pending the investigation process such as removal of the Respondent or seeking alternate methods of providing course delivery. Once an investigation is initiated, the following will occur: 1) the Complainant and the Respondent will be advised that they may ask another person to be present throughout the investigation; 2) the Complainant will be interviewed to ensure a complete understanding of the allegation and to gather additional information that may not have been included in the written complaint, such as the date and time of the incident, the persons involved, the names of any person who witnessed the incident and a complete description of what occurred; 3) the Respondent will be interviewed and informed of the complaint, provided details of the allegations, and provided an opportunity to respond to the allegations, including providing any witnesses the Respondent feels are essential to the investigation; 4) any person involved or who has, or may have, knowledge of the incident and any identified witnesses will be interviewed; 5) reasonable updates to the Complainant and the Respondent about the status of the investigation will be provided; and 6) following the investigation, the Student Services representative, or Director of Studies will: a) review all of the evidence collected during the investigation; b) determine whether sexual violence occurred; and if so c) determine what disciplinary action, if any, should be taken as set out in Section 5 below. 5. Disciplinary Measures If it is determined by Georgian at ILAC Toronto that the Respondent did engage in sexual violence or misconduct, immediate disciplinary or corrective action will be taken. This may include: 1) disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment of teachers or staff; or 2) expulsion/dismissal of a student; and /or 3) the placement of certain restrictions on the Respondent’s ability to access certain premises or facilities; and/or 4) any other actions that may be appropriate in the circumstances. 6. Appeal Should the Complainant or the Respondent disagree with the decision resulting from the investigation, he or she may appeal the decision to the VP Operations within 5 business days by submitting a letter/email advising of the person’s intent to appeal the decision. 7. Making False Statements It is a violation of the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy for anyone to knowingly make a false complaint of sexual violence or to provide false information about a complaint. Individuals who violate the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy are subject to disciplinary and/or corrective action up to and including termination of employment of teachers or staff or expulsion of a student. 8. Reprisal It is a violation of the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy to retaliate or threaten to retaliate against a complainant who has brought forward a complaint of sexual violence, provided information related to a complaint, or otherwise been involved in the complaint investigation process. Individuals who violate the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy are subject to disciplinary and/or corrective action, up to and including termination of employment of teachers or staff or expulsion of a student. 9. Review Georgian at ILAC Toronto shall ensure that student input is considered every time the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy is reviewed or changed. Georgian at ILAC Toronto will review its Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy at least once every 3 years and amend it where appropriate. For a list of support services, centers and other resources on Ontario and British Columbia, please see Appendix I accompanying this policy available at https://ilac.com/policies/.